Graffiti refers to the figure drawings, inscriptions, bubble letters etc. There is no definite rule for making graffiti stencils. Any form of scratched letters or images is a part of graffiti designs. Graffiti stencils are usually the cut outs of any selected image after it is traced on a medium like cardboard or paper using markers or spray paints to color. Basically these are used for imparting a political message, issuing an ordering statement by a mob or even motivating general public through some informative artwork. Now-a-days this practice have grown enormous popularity in the advertising agencies, publishing boards or even media to communicate with the common people for a noble cause or information. Small children have also shown curiosity of learning fast through graffiti stencils as these can easily grab their attention through appealing its cool designs.
Making graffiti stencils is also an art. But to make graffiti stencils you need to be some what creative and innovative. A few comparatively easy and effective steps as to how to make graffiti stencils are mentioned below: -
- Understand the motive before you start to look for a relevant image that suits that noble cause. If it is for any product launch of a company, a graffiti bearing the image of a dignified personality may create a contradictory feeling on the minds of the people related to such profession or interest. Similarly, for a baby you cannot make a graffiti citing a message of any political issue.
- You can make hand made drawings, use softwares like Photoshop or even scan an image already available for the topic or the motive. Usually the outlines are drawn or traced for a particular image or alphabet
- For filling the empty spaces you can use markers, oil paints or any spray paints for filling the spaces. Concepts like making the objects get a floating look, or a 3-D effect too can be applied in graffiti stencils.
- Cutting the outline is not that an easy job for graffiti stencils. You have to be very careful while cutting or pulling the desired image using a blade or scissors. Because a slightest deflection from the edge of a blade can spoil the whole graffiti meant for any noble cause or making a small kid feel happy.
Precautions must be taken while making graffiti stencils. While spraying the colors or even painting the image be very particular to touch only those spots and marks where there is an empty space but not beyond the outlines. Also be cautious enough while using a blade to bring out the necessary part from the outlines of a graffiti stencil. You may accidentally, tear a skin of your fingers which might lead to serious consequences.
- Now allow the graffiti stencils to dry in open air before you start using this for any purpose. You can use paper weights for this purpose so that the sheet or the cardboard does not fall off from the table top.
Materials used: – Chart paper/cardboard
Colors (spray paints/crayons)
Colors (spray paints/crayons)
Pursuing with these simple steps you can make graffiti stencils of any design or an image. But make sure the motive behind these should be noble.
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