how to make graffity letters

Here are a few tricks about how to Draw graffiti letters

To start with writing graffiti, you need a pencil to draw the letters.Wondering about getting the idea to draw the letters? Well, there are many sites where you can get ideas on graffiti fonts. Some sites offer the option to enter text and create graffiti letters selected font. Taking help from the site and copy the style to draw letters on paper.While drawing letters on paper, make sure that you start with light strokes of a pencil. After the frame the letters that you created, you can fill the letters with colors. However, while drawing the letters is important that you keep in mind a certain length of text that you want to write in graffiti letters. The shape and size of letters should be adjusted in such a way that they look perfect on paper as per the requirement. Therefore, it is important to draw the outline of the whole text with a light pencil strokes so you can remove the parts that do not look good.As a picture of graffiti are basically used to capture attention, you can choose bright colors to enhance the effect of your image. Start by tracing the lines of text with a fine marker. Before color using the color you have to decide who can produce the maximum effect.After you complete with outlines, use different colors to shade in and outside of the outlines to create a 3D effect. Color the remaining part of the papers use other bright colors.The final part of how to draw graffiti letters is to pull the shadows of the letters. The shadows maximize the effect of the text and give a twist to the whole picture. Drop shadows should be made with bright colors under the characters. Now you are ready with graffiti text for your use.If you are interested in drawing graffiti letters on the wall, you must acquire the skills to initially draw the letters on a sheet of paper or images. Rectangular sign on the wall with the help of chalk or charcoal to select the area you want to place the image. You even have to draw a line of text by using charcoal or chalk because they can easily be painted over if something goes wrong. Draw a small grid on the rectangle to divide into a small box that will help you draw your letters in the right proportions. Once you are done with the outline of the letters graffiti, remove the grid or paint with diluted paint. Before using the colors in letters and paintings of shadows, make sure that the background has died completely. Start painting with the largest areas first and details later.