photo courtesy flickr user Harry Palmer

photo courtesy flickr userphoto courtesy flickr user Harry Palmer

Mural Banksy Graffiti Street Wall From London

Mural Banksy Graffiti Street Wall From LondonGraffiti is an art that has been widely known in the world. In the UK (London) there is an artist famous for graffiti art are filled with the nuances of humor. Graffiti artist named Banksy. Most topics of graffiti that he has made contact with the world of politics, culture and ethics. His street art is made with a Distinctive stenciling technique and


GRAFFITI GRAPHIC DESIGNABECEDARIO GRAFFITI SKETCHES ON PAPERPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Abecedario Graffiti / Letters A-Z with MindGem Design by Y Mas

GRAFFITI GRAPHIC DESIGNAbecedario Graffiti / Letters A-Z with MindGem Design by Y MasGraffiti Alphabet (Abecedario Graffiti) mindgem style design with a simple but still look beautiful and elegant. Sketch graffiti alphabet makes us want to try and do some interesting variations on each design point with a different character. Maybe we can make a difference by giving the characters of color in

Graffiti Art in Wall Street by Corze

Graffiti Art in Wall Street by CorzeThese are some examples of graffiti painted on wall street. This work was created by a graffiti artist named Corze. I can not say if corze was a graffiti artist with a strong character, this can be seen from the type of graffiti that has been created. All look almost identical and similar to each other. A unique feature of a work is important because it will be

Drawing Sketches Graffiti Letters "Michael Jackson"

Drawing Sketches Graffiti Letters "Michael Jackson"Michael Jackson is a legendary singer, he is the king of pop. Many people who loved him and admired him so many fans who want to make a graffiti letters by using his name. That would be a good idea, but they are confused in choosing the appropriate form or style. Here are some examples of designs that might be an inspiration to you. You do not

A Sketch Graffiti Alphabet "Letters A-Z" with Wildstyle Design

GRAFFITI GRAPHIC DESIGNA Sketch Graffiti Alphabet "Letters A-Z" with Wildstyle DesignSketch is an image created on the draft before the real media. Graffiti art sketches were needed in the drafting process. This is necessary so that we will know what will be created as well as an example for the consumer. So that consumers will know the form of design that will be created. One of the graffiti is

Tag Graffiti Alphabet Explained

Graffiti is a street art, most of the graffiti painted on city walls or the street. Many of the states if the graffiti is an art that is illegal and has destroyed the beauty of a crime of the public. But I do not agree with it, graffiti is an art of antiquity to be preserved if the graffiti be illegal because it was conducted by an irresponsible person, who did not know how to paint a true

New Graffiti Alphabet Letters A-Z by BigDate

GRAFFITI ALPHABET LETTERSGRAFFITI GRAPHIC DESIGNNew Graffiti Alphabet Letters A-Z by BigDatePlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Fire Tagging Graffiti Letters

Fire Tagging Graffiti Letters Please give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Hip Hop Graffiti in Music Culture - Black and Color

GRAFFITI GRAPHIC DESIGNHIP HOP GRAFFITI FREE STYLEHip Hop Graffiti in Music CultureStyle of hip hop music was born and developed in conjunction with hip hop culture. The characters in this genre usually have characteristics such as rapping, freestyling, DJing, scratching, sampling and beatboxing. But in the current era of hip hop music has evolved and fused it with graffiti naturally. Both kinds

Tutorial on How to Draw Graffiti Art ?

Hello ... we meet again in the column of the tutorial. This time I will be speaking or perhaps explain about how to draw graffiti. No need to long to explain about what is graffiti art, we just started the discussion.1. The first step is to prepare the necessary equipment and tools. Then you select the name of graffiti is the most you like and interesting for you. Choose a meaningful letter for